Believers Information Network
(The Informal Body of Believers)

  The Comprehensive Index

The Moral Implications

 " For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord,
 every knee shall bow to me,
 and every tongue shall confess to God. " 
  Paul the Apostle "

1. Mental Illness - What is a sinner ?
2. Open Letter to all my friends

3. AIMS - Acquired Irrational Mind Set

4. Delusion- Symptomatic  of natural man

5. Prophet - George Orwell(1984)

6. End of Democracy - Rule by division

7. Freedom from the bondage imposed on us

8. Abortion - Human Sacrifice

9. Armageddon -  The war between religions 

10. Duality - Dilemma facing natural man

11. Transformation - From Natural to Spiritual man

12. Censorship - Withholding the  truth
13. Corporal punishment - Torture in disguise

14. Choice - The fallacy of free will

15. American Indians - The persecuted native tribes

16. Karla Faye Tucker - In memory of

17. Internet -_The door to freedom of speech
18. Incompatibility  between natural and spiritual man

19. Homosexuality - A symptom of disorientated man
20. Hertzogville - The day the world was judged

21. Koran - The Islamic Bible

22. Descartes - Father of Philosophy ?

23. Consciousness Gurus - The new age movement  

24. Human Rights - Privileges granted to conformists 

25. Trinity - The fallacy exposed

26. Evil - The real terrorist mentality 

27. Virtues and values - The objective and the subjective

28. Prophetess - Ayan Rand
29. Jehovah's Witnesses - From door to door

30. Mark of the beast - Trademark of Hitler

31. Rapture - The hope of escaping reality

32."They live" - The movie: Discovering the real world

33. Capital punishment - Murder in disguise
34. False Christ's - Exposed
35. Revelation - the time of judgment
36. Mystery - The video

37. End of the world - As we know it
38. The Sabbath day script - 8 th October 2016
39. Who is a True Jew, and who is a fake Jew
40. Summary

The Practical Implication
" We can ignore reality,
But we cannot ignore the consequences
of ignoring reality "
Ayn Rand

1. Binary system - The basics of counting
2. Irrational numbers - The trademark of natural man

3. Einstein - ' Man of the century '  

4. Chaos - Stephen Hawking's world

5. End of the debate between "The Gospel" and  'Science'

6. Trisection of any angle - Doing the 'impossible' 

7. Mathematics - The loss of certainty

8. Matrix - Rational numbers and doubling the cube

9. Herbert Dingle - "Science at the crossroads"

10. End of education - Indoctrinating the masses

11. Hubble telescope - The hubble bubble bursts 

12. Square proportions - Pythagoras vindicated

13. Pythagorean theorem - Work of a genius

14. Pythagoras the 3-4-5 fallacy

15. Divine proportion - Pleasing to the eye 

16. Inconvenient reality - Text from the video

17. Einstein - The fallacy of  'Special Relativity'
18. Pi and Squaring the circle - Confirming 1 Kings 7:23 
19. Quantum ghost's at work - Natural man's delusion