Believers Information Network


“ We’re looking to reinvigorate the manufacturing industry, uranium beatification, the skills that need to go into the construction, maintenance and operations. We’re looking to domesticate the capability to deploy nuclear in South Africa, and therefore in Africa and the world. ”
Phumzile Tshelane


By Perosni Govender (July 14 2015)
" BALLITO, South Africa (Reuters) - South Africa will finalize its bid requirements for six nuclear power stations by the end of July and hopes to have the first unit of 1,000 MW of atomic power online in eight years' time, a senior energy official said on Tuesday.
South Africa's nuclear build could cost 400 billion rand to 1 trillion rand ($32 billion to $81 billion), the ministry says. "

Should the nuclear energy power plant project go ahead, it will be a major disaster for South Africa.


Natural man has a very short memory, Chernobyl is forgotten, and Fukusima will also be forgotten, even although both nuclear dumps are contaminating the earth and the sea with radioactive fallout residue. " The Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission found out that the nuclear disaster was "man made" and that its direct causes were all foreseeable."

For any nation to continue building nuclear power stations, can only be described as insanity. The way to go is to follow the example of Germany , as well as other countries which have made a commitment to change to sustainable renewable energy sources for their energy needs.


In a reply to a question that Adv. Alberts put to the minister of Energy, Ms. Tina Joemat-Pettersson, as to how the programme will be brought in line with the country's Integrated Energy Plan, how it will be financed and where the suitable human resources will be found for it, the minister replied as follows:

' The nuclear power build programme is aligned to achieve the targets of the cabinet as endorsed by the Integrated Resources Plan for 2010 to 2030. The first plant will be commissioned by 2023/2024 and the last plant will be commissioned by 2030.'

The question that comes to mind is this:
How can a so called 'Democratic' country such as South Africa, with abundant renewable energy resources, embark on such an irrational project ?
 The answer to this question is simple: The word "democracy" comes from the Greek, demos, the    people, and kratein, to rule.
" Democracy" therefore means "the people rule", or more accurately stated, " to rule the people ". The government of South Africa, as well as  governments of all the so called 'democratic' countries,  rule the people by means of coercion, no matter what the people have to say.


The man behind the South African nuclear power station project is  Phumzile Tshelane A man  who holds a Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc Hons) degree in Nuclear Physics. He was appointed as the chief executive officer of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation Ltd (Necsa) with effect from 01 September 2012.

Phumzile Tshelane is an untrustworthy man, he has been suspended from NECSA. He lives in a fantasy world and believes with all his heart that all which he was taught at school and university, is true. I doubt if he ever questioned his teachers. He was programmed like a parrot, a typical case of garbage in, garbage out.

Phumzile is a typical product of the irrational world system, a human robot. He has been indoctrinated (educated) to believe a lie.
To show how Mr. Tshelane's mind has been programmed to believe a lie, I refer to the race between Achilles and the tortoise, a dilemma which has plagued mathematicians for centuries. The tortoise is given a head start and according to the irrational mindset logic, Achilles can get closer to the tortoise,  however it is impossible to catch up and pass the tortoise. According to the mathematicians(experts), the only way to resolve the dilemma of Achilles and the tortoise, is by means of manipulation, using the so called 'calculus'(see Chapter 2 of my Seife book review). Phumzile, like Mr. Seife  cannot see that there is a simple solution to the Achilles dilemma, all that is needed is a little common sense.

Phumzile is an expert at manipulation, he is able to sell an Eskimo half a dozen expensive  refrigerators without blinking an eye. He will convince the Eskimo that it is essential for him to buy the 6 refrigerators. Take heed and hold onto your wallets. Phumzile is only one of many,  the world is saturated with irrational human beings like Mr. Tshelane, he is not fit to manage anything. 


It is time for South Africans, as well as the peoples of the world, to accept that the present world system is corrupt, and that it is now in the process of self destructing. The contradictions that we grew up with are not sustainable. Now is the time time to rise up and make it known to all the world.

Addendum: Nuclear waste