Believers Information Network

The Measuring Stick


"And there was given me a reed like unto a rod :
and the angel stood saying, Rise,
and measure the temple of God, and the altar,
 and them that worship therein."

In my letter to you I briefly explained how the numbering system has been falsified by natural man. I also explained how natural man becomes deluded in the first year of his life. In this message I will show you how natural man has falsified the instrument that is commonly used to measure extension; the ruler.

The duality in the mind of natural man causes him to shift the "one", one position, in order to make room for the  "not-one", the "zero". His frame of reference  therefore becomes zero. This means that all his measuring instruments are calibrated, starting from zero. A ten unit ruler will then look like this:

          0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

The 'numbers' now represent positions on the number line, and not extensions as they are supposed to. There are eleven 'numbers', eleven 'positions', and ten extensions. The emphasis is now on the dividing lines instead of on the extensions.

In contrast a unity base ruler will look like this:

         1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    X    1

Ten = X
The numbers now represent extensions on the number line, and there is a number for each extension. There are ten numbers and ten extensions. Each measurement has a range of one unit, the accuracy of this particular ruler is therefore within one unit.
The standard of measurement is extension, the space between the lines. The standard of measurement cannot be non-extension, the lines that divide the spaces. 

The unity base ruler will not have any drawn lines to separate the segments, instead different colors will generate the lines between segments. This means that there is no extension between the lines, the number line is therefore continuous.

The falsification of the numbering system has far reaching consequences. By incorporating zero in the system the system is false, ie. a contradiction. The system contains a 'number' which is 'not a number'. They have lied to us justifying the zero, by saying we need a 'place holder'.

Zero cannot be a part of the numbering system. Zero means "not number" or "no number". It can still be used as a symbol to signify emptiness, however it cannot be part of the numbering system.

A rational numbering system needs no place holder.

We will use X to represent ten units.

Now let us see how a rational numbering system compares with the present irrational numbering system.
(Base ten)

   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X  11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1X
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Notice that there are no zero's present in the first line.
The zero changes a rational number system into an irrational system. It REINFORCES IRRATIONALITY by introducing IRRATIONAL NUMBERS into the numbering system.


Keep in mind that the first row of numbers are partial numbers, numerators, the denominator is not shown.
In contrast, the second row with the zero's, are so called 'whole numbers', disembodied rational numbers, irrational numbers.