Evil spinning skull-----Welcome to-----Evil spinning skull

Graeme's Home Page Logo Thing

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Welcome, you've reached my home page (best viewed at 640x480 in HiColour). This page has some nifty JAVA Script so make sure you have a JAVA enabled browser.

MSIEis one andNavigatoris another

Graeme at his desk First of all, a bit about me. I live in a lonely little Free State town called Virginia. I've just finished matric and I'm on holiday for 3 months now -YEAH! I'm studing a B.Sc in Computer Science at the University of Pretoria next year.

This page is actually just a collection of links to things that interest me. If any of the links don't work, please drop me a note . Anyhow, without further adew, I give you my home page:


Here is a list of my favourite games. Of course, we all know the greatest game ever written is QUAKE, but there are a few others in the list below worth taking a look at.

Get QuakeThis game is *MOERSE* !!!Duke 3DA close contender...

DoomOur old favourite [Tony (a friend) and I once played 12 solid hours deathmatch!]

HexenWicked game this!

Yes, they're all 3D shoot 'em ups - and that's 'cause 3D games are the coolest. However, over the years, I've seen a few other pretty cool games.

Earthworm Jima worm with an attitude!

Warcraft IIa evil medival strategy game

Command and Conquer by Westwood Studiosis another cool war game

Beavis & Buttheadlike rule, ehhe...


Here are a few links to some awesome demos.

Second Reality by Furture Crew - Coolest demo I've seen so far...

Stars by Nooon - This demo rocks!

Unreal by Future Crew - Yet another great demo

If you know of any cool demos, please e-mail me . DO NOT e-mail the demos to me - rather tell me where I can find them. If you clog up my mailbox, be warned - I've have a massive collection of country music midi's and I'm not afraid to mail 'em!


Naturally, I have to dedicate a portion of my page to the best operating system in existance. I remember my DOS days (I shudder at the thought). When I first started in Linux, I was totally lost; so here are few links to help you get started.

Slackware 96 Linux Distribution - a whole buncha disks you'll need to install Linux on your machine, although I suggest you buy the CD - phone CD-Direct in Cape Town on (021) 685-3678

A few manuals you should read - although you'll probably have to read them in Windows.

The Linux Gazette is a cool source of new info.

Now you'll need some software for Linux. For those times when the learning curve got a little too steep (still does, actually), these have always got me through:

Get QuakeandDoom

(doesn't DOOM just give you a warm, fuzzy feeling?)

I'm not sure if Linux Quake works on a 486 - if you get it running, please mail me .

I use Netscape for Linux - actually, I don't have a choice - you think Uncle Bill is gonna support Linux when he's trying to ram Windows down everyone's thoat?!?

Anyhow, as soon as you're surfin' withEvil Net Dino, you won't ever have to use 95 again...

Don't worry if you get disheartened, Linux is a big step - but definately worth taking.


I do lotsa programming in my spare time. As you may have guessed, I'm into 3D and graphics. I do most of my programming in C++ under Linux. In time, I hope to put up some of my source code (yeah right!), but a the moment, most of my projects don't actually work.

For those of you who are stuck in the rut commonly known as DOS, suggest you get DJGPP - the DOS port of the Linux C++ compiler (hey, that's where I started!). It has an IDE exactly like Borland C++ and is a full 32-bit protected mode compiler. I lost all hope for Borland (or Novell, whatever) when they dropped the DOS IDE from version 4.

DJGPP - a 32-bit, free C++ compiler
RHIDE - an IDE for DJGPP (someone send this dude some money for his work!)

If you have source code for some cool 3D effects that rock, please e-mail me the source code (100k or less).

JAVA Script

Java Logo I only just started "brewing" JAVA, but I must say, it's extremely cool. If you're like me (or are like I used to be), you probably think JAVA is just another scripting language. In fact, it's just ordinary C with classes - no different from Visual C - actually, you can call it Internet C.

Contrary to what I said previously, there is actually no Java on this page because I haven't seriously tackled JAVA programming yet, but it looks like it has definite possiblities. Anyhow, if you want to start "grinding the beans" (don't you just love a sustained metaphor?), check out some of the links below:

Sun MicrosystemsThe creators of JAVA

JAVA WorkshopA development environment for JAVA apps.

JAVA DevelopersDevelopers' site


First there was Wolfenstein - then came DOOM, but now QUAKE is here!!

The Quake Dude Damn it! I just don't know what to say. Quake deathmatch is better than sex [or maybe I'm just doing it wrong :-P ]. It's the greatest game I've ever played - the levels are brilliant, the scenery is breathtaking and the action is mind-blowing!!! If you think Duke 3D is cool, believe me, you ain't seen nothin' yet!

(this animation was shamelessly stolen from Stomped)

Here are some cool Quake links:

ID Softwaresoftware - the makers of Quake - KNEEL & WORSHIP THEM!

Stomping Grounds- the premier Quake site, also has many Quake links

Thred is an awesome Quake editor

I'll add more later, but for now Stomped has all the Quake links you'll ever need. If you have a Quake page of your own, e-mail me and I'll be happy to put it up.

Formula 1 Grand Prix

I love watching Formula 1 Grand Prix. Although this season has been a little disappointing with Damon Hill taking the championship, I'm still looking forward to next season with Schumacher in an improved Ferarri and Jacques Villeneuve in the Williams. Ralf Schumacher, Michael's brother, will be driving for Jordan in his rookie-year while Frentzen will take Hill's place at Williams when the Brit moves to Arrows. [BTW - Arrows didn't win a single championship point this past season. Lets see if Hill can change that ;-) ]

This season promises to be one of the most exciting seasons yet. Below are a few web F1 links:

Michael Schumacher Mailing List Ferrari Home Page
Michael Schumacher Home Page Formula 1 Links Page
Gale Force F1 Damon Hill Home Page
Jacques Villeneuve Home Page Williams Home Page


Hey, if you think this is uncool, well - stuff you! This is MY home page and I'll put whatever I want to on it.

Maths problems are pretty cool - and maths is a big part of programming. Consequently, I think it deserves a portion of my web page. I plan to post algorithms and tutorials and such stuff here soon. For now...

Here are some cool brainteasers:

  • How do you time 9 minutes with a 4 and a 7 minute hour glass? [Cleony Cassidy, 5-FM]
  • This can actually be reduced to an equation in integer numbers. If someone would care to do that, please e-mail me the solution (I've just finished school - I don't feel like thinking ever again)

  • Nazi's decide to play a game with a prisoner: they put him in a room with 2 doors - behind one is a man-eating tiger while behind the other is a gorgeous blonde. There are also 2 soldiers in the room, one always tells lies while the other always tells the truth. Both soldiers know what is behind the two doors. The prisoner can't tell the soldiers apart and he is only allowed to ask one question. Assuming that the prisoner does not want to be eaten alive (duh!), what should that question be?
  • If you want to know any solutions, e-mail me a brainteaser of your own and I'll send you the solution you're looking for.

    Have some cool algorithms or interesting maths problems? E-mail 'em to me . (BTW - I don't care what the 23467th prime number is, nor do i want to know PI to 300 decimals!)


    Here is a buncha cool links. They are mainly here because my start page is naturally my home page, so I need to get around from here. But hey, if you wanna bookmark or even startup on my page, I'd be honoured...

    Corporate sites:

    MicrosoftMicrosoft Corp.ID SoftwareId Software

    NetscapeNetscape CommunicationsIBMandApple Computer

    International FTP sites:

    Walnut CreekWallnut Creek FTP siteSunsite.unc.eduSUNSite.unc.edu

    South African FTP sites:

    Global-OneThe Internet SolutionInternet Africa

    Stellenbosch , Wits and Pretoria (I'll studing there next year!)

    Search Engines:


    Other cool things:

    M-Netthanks for the great show "Dark Skies"

    Marques SystemsMy ISP and they rule! (thanks guys)

    5-FM will be here as soon as they manage to finish their web-site.


    Here's some other cool things I don't know where to put:

    Uno's really suck!

    Who the hell are they trying to impress with those bonehead tv ads anyhow? Apart from the fact that Uno's look up to s%@#, the main reason I would never buy is those because of these ads they run on tv.

    Here are a few Uno jokes:

    Q: Why do boneheads love Uno's?

    A: They can hang both arms out the window

    Hear about the blonde that was hit by an Uno? She thought it was a big car that was still far away.

    Guy walks into a garage and says to the owner: "I want a wiper blade for my Uno." The garage owner looks him and then at the Uno. Finally, he says: "Ok, fair swop"

    A Hamlet sililoquy:

    HAMLET :
  • To be, or not to be: that is the question:
  • Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
  • The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
  • Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
  • And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
  • No more; and by a sleep to say we end
  • The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
  • That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
  • Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
  • To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
  • For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
  • When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
  • Must give us pause: there's the respect
  • That makes calamity of so long life;
  • For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
  • The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
  • The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
  • The insolence of office and the spurns
  • That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
  • When he himself might his quietus make
  • With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
  • To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
  • But that the dread of something after death,
  • The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
  • No traveller returns, puzzles the will
  • And makes us rather bear those ills we have
  • Than fly to others that we know not of?
  • Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
  • And thus the native hue of resolution
  • Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
  • And enterprises of great pith and moment
  • With this regard their currents turn awry,
  • And lose the name of action.--Soft you now!
  • The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
  • Be all my sins remember'd.
  • Cool, eh? Shakespare like rulz - check out Shakespeare on the web . I also like reading fanasy novels - I've started reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series and it's damn cool (thanks C.J.) John Grisham novels are also pretty cool. I also like writing stuff - I'll put up some more of that soon. For now, check this out:

    SmileyF.A.R.T Smiley

    A gang of eccetric muslim fundamentalists, more commonly known as P.A.G.A.D, have been making headlines these past few months. In light of this, a good friend of mine (Andrew) is starting a group called F.A.R.T. (Folks Against Rap and Techno).

    We plan to hold candle-lit rituals during which cd's with the track MAKERENA will be sacerificed in honour of the late Kurt Cobain. Once a month, we will take to the streets and pull boneheads playing techno from their Uno's. We shall hang them from the nearest lamppost with the very American headbands which hang from their rear view mirrors; all in the name of "good music". Once we have managed to brainwash enough followers, we will march to the 5-FM studios and demand that they hand us Tichmotaz so that we may rip him limb from limb and save South Africa from evenings of agonising rap and techno!

    Illegal? Yes, but that's beside the point. Now that P.A.G.A.D have firmly established gangsterism in South Africa, F.A.R.T feels that this new freedom should rather be used for the good of mankind. If P.A.G.A.D can murder innocent civilians in pursuit of a gang-free society, F.A.R.T should surely be allowed to execute real criminals like techno-lovers.

    Remember, the only good techno-bunny is a DEAD one!

    [Graeme 11/11/96]

    Beware.... mindless propaganda below:

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    Any BrowserHey, I'm not getting involved in the browser war...HTML 3.2

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    Hope you enjoyed my page. E-Mail me if you liked it. Mail to Graeme